seeing other girls on my guy's snap?

ok so i hate to sound like one of those overly paranoid girls so i'm sorry in advance. i started dating this new guy about a month ago and he's really great, we've actually been friends for over a year and he confessed his feelings for me on valentine's day. we've been going on dates every weekend (normally both days) and things have been great, no fights and we communicate really well. anyway, we were together almost all day and i noticed two things. one, he was on snap (in front of me knowing i was looking, i wasn't snooping) and there was a girl in his snap list named "MADI😍❤️😽". secondly, another time (again, on snap in front of me) he had swiped into a convo where he had sent a pic snap and a girl responded to it (in the chat) saying "Cute". we're not official yet but we've had explicit convos about how he's going to make it official soon and that he has really serious feelings for me. i do know that he's a good guy since we've been friends for a year so i don't have serious reason not to trust him, but it did make me a little upset and i've just been kind of annoyed the rest of the day. i haven't said anything and don't want to because i don't want to sound crazy and we always talk about how trust is important/we hate jealousy. is this anything to be upset about or am i just overthinking?