Announcing to unsupportive friends..

Idk who to talk to about this. I'm 5 weeks with our 1st baby and preparing to tell our families and closest friends after we hear the heartbeat in a few weeks. Our best friend couple has never seemed supportive or interested when we talk about family planning. We are extremely each other's weddings, bought houses 5 mins apart, vacation together, etc.

The wifes sister and childhood friend have both had unfortunately several miscarriages and severe complications. She is terrified of being pregnant understandably so, but she does love children.

I'm so nervous to tell them even though we share almost everything with one another. I feel like I need their support as our closest friends.

When we thought we were pregnant a couple months ago and told them after we found out we weren't they just stared at us like deer in headlights and didn't say anything AT ALL. So wierd.

Idk how to deal if they have a negative reaction or just unresponsive. Any thoughts or support or advice welcomed!