Feel like an idiot


Went in to l&d today because I had high bp, blurry vision, and a weird feeling in my head. Looking back none of it was really all that severe enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. I think I psyched myself out with really bad anxiety and I just got scared something was wrong. It’s something I used to do a lot before I was pregnant, I would have really bad panic attacks and end up in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I mostly learned to deal with it and keep myself calm and I haven’t had a moment like that in almost 2 years but I just lost it today. I’ve just been overwhelmed and worried and scared that bad things will happen. Being alone pretty much 24/7 doesn’t help either. I’m tired of being by myself and I’m scared because I have to do this alone.

Anyway, everything turned out okay, my blood pressure was pretty much normal by the time I got to the hospital and baby was perfectly fine on the fetal monitor, they said there was a lot of irritability but that was normal. All that ended up being wrong was a UTI. So I just feel like I wasted their time being a nervous wreck.