Need help


Alright ladies I need some serious opinions right now. I am 21 weeks 4 days pregnant and I am beyond miserable. I keep getting what feel like contractions but my stomach doesn’t tighten(like a bad stomach ache feeling). I feel constant pressure down very low and lower back pain. I can not do anything without having to sit I can’t stand for even a few minutes without feeling like I need to bend over or sit down. And when I do have to get up and do anything I’m almost immediately out of breath. And a constant headache for the past 3 days. I went to the hospital the other day where it showed on the monitor that I did have at least one real contraction.

This is my 3rd pregnancy my last one was a lot like this except it didn’t start this early and no dr would listen to me I kept trying to tell them something was going on. I was dilated to a one at 30 weeks with him And they still did nothing just blew it off like this happens. Which I know it does. But I went into full-blown labor with him at 35 weeks. 

This all has me terrified this pregnancy that I’m gonna have her early as well and with the way I’ve been feeling definitely makes me think that. But no doctors will listen to me. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I have 2 other kids (5 and 3) so I can’t just put myself on bed rest.