Ummm... Please help.


I have a funny and horrible story to share with you all. So on Feb 20th I was hanging out with a guy that I had just met on tinder. We ended up fooling around and for the first time in my life-the condom broke. I IMMEDIATELY opened this app to check my cycle, and of course I’m 2 days until ovulation. My heart sank. The guy apologized a bunch and then handed me $50 to get Plan B. I got it and took it within 2 hours of the mishap. I’d been feeling fine afterwards. Fast forward to 3 days ago, I start spotting which I figured was my period coming a couple days early from the Plan B or something. Yayy! I put a tampon in and went about my day. Hours later, I took it out and it’s dry. Confused, I put another one in thinking my cycle is just messed up from the morning after pill and my period should come at any moment. Again, I take out another dry tampon. This is where I started to get worried. I began realizing that I just spotted which is not normal at all for me. I never spot. So I turn to google and learn about implantation bleeding. My brain was telling me there’s no way. The odds are too slim. I meet someone for the first time, use a condom and it breaks then I immediately take Plan B and it failed? It just didn’t make sense. In my heart I knew. So the next day I take a test. This was for “Peace of Mind” WELL THERES NOTHING PEACEFUL ABOUT READING PREGNANT OFF 3 TESTS ALONE WHEN YOU’RE 22 BROKE AND SINGLE LIVING WITH HORRIBLY STRICT AND RELIGIOUS PARENTS THAT DONT EVEN ALLOW ME TO DATE. So now I’m freaking out. I can’t do it. I’d be disowned. Help me please.