Baby boy born on March 4th


I went into the hospital on March 3rd I had to come back due to covid I had to be 20 days since my first positive so my bf could be there. We got to the hospital 11:50pm at night we had to get everything ready since we thought we had more time. They started me with Cytotec to help get me to dilate. But I wasn’t really dilating as quick but they said it would be a slow process. On March 4th I started having a lot of contractions but I was only 1cm dialed. I ended up getting the epidural since I knew it would be a long night. After the epidural I kept getting contractions 1min a part yet I was dilated. So I had to have an emergency c section. It was the scariest moment of my life at first getting the epidural was scary. But thankfully everything turned out to be great. Baby was born March 4 11:50pm. I actually went home Saturday. And I’ve been healing fairly quick.