Looking for a friend


Is anyone else struggling with TTC because of super irregular cycles? I’m getting very frustrated and a bit depressed struggling with this alone and I’d love to find someone to talk to!!

For a little background: I’m 26, I was on birth control for 5 years before stopping to try to get pregnant with my first child. It took over a year for me to have a cycle (I only had 1 period in a year after stopping my birth control), I somehow magically got pregnant with my daughter and got back on birth control 6 weeks postpartum. Stopped the birth control again in October to try for a second and nothing has gone right since. I had a period in late November then bled for the entire month of January and then nothing since. I know my weight is a big factor in this since I lost 20 pounds before getting pregnant with my daughter and I’m working on losing it again but the heartbreak of not being normal and able to just try like a normal couple really sucks!