I need some tips

Alicia • 22• Michigan

For some background

I go to my boyfriends house on the weekends and I leave my dog home with my mom who works midnights and my brother who works during the day. My mom keeps complaining that he’s locked up all day, so I tried to come up with a solution that is taking my dog with me

The only problem

He has a dog and my dog isn’t really good with other dogs.

We’ve come up with a plan though. My dog likes to bark so I got him a bark collar and we are just doing a trial run for now to see if this whole thing will work out if not I won’t bring him anymore. We are going to put his dog in his sisters room whenever my dog needs to go potty and we are keeping my dog in his room all the rest of the time with us. They have a kennel for their dog but she doesn’t use it so we were gonna use hers in case cuz we aren’t sure if we want him to sleep with us because usually when he sleeps with me he wakes me up.

Anyway I need some tips because I know that people have animals but have to keep them separate all the time.

I was thinking of getting cbd oil if he’s freaking out to help calm him down.

What else can I do to make this go well


So I saw someone comment (but then delete?) something about we need to work with them if I see a future with this guy.

I agree we should but only because he will be at their house. However his dog will not be coming with us when we move in together. It’s more his sisters dog not his.

We do have a future together, been together over a year. Planning to move in together this year. We are going to try to slow introduce them