Shirtless pics/videos

No hate I just genuinely want your opinion.

I met this guy about 5 months ago and we’ve been together for 3 months one of his story highlights is the gym.. which he has shirtless videos/pics from like 8/9 months ago. Since I’ve met him he’s never posted anything like this and in the beginning I already felt like he craved lots of attention ex- he’d send me random pictures of himself even made a album so he can put pictures for me (I’ve never asked and I think this is just reaching) at first came off as desperate. And when we’re together he always talks about his body and I’d ignore it. Whenever we’re together he immediately takes off his shirt and let’s say if he’s going to run the store he’ll say “do you want to see it or kiss it before I put my shirt back on”

Yes he’s so handsome and has a beautiful body but damn when he’s constantly talking about it and sending me videos/ pictures throughout the day it’s less interesting.

Anyways he just brought up that he wants to start posting this again on his social media, I’m not pissed off but I just feel like he’s constantly craving attention. I’ve never been with someone like this, definitely a first and it’s starting to make me look at him in a different way. What are your opinions on this? He asked for my opinion and I said I wouldn’t really like it but I’m not going to tell him what to do/ not to do, he’s 26 years old. Personally I wouldn’t care if he’s posting selfie’s or anything gym related but when his shirt is off now I feel like he just wants attention.

He kept trying to convince that it’s the same posting a selfie and people reaching out

Idk what are your thoughts?

Edit- I’m not asking if we’re a match or not, this is a first for me I want to see how normal this is or if I’m overreacting & just let it go