I need a Surrogate


Ok... I’m so close to just giving up on naturally having a baby. I have one child by birth he is 16 and I have been trying to have another one for over 7 years now. I have went to countless dr with them all saying I am fine and to just keep trying. I have tried pills, ovulation tracking, period trackers, changing my diet, weight loss surgery and mapping out my fertility window with still no hope.... I pray almost every day that my womb function correctly and for my hubby’s sperm to fertilize my egg. I don’t know what else to do. Not being able to get pregnant has really made me feel less of a women and left me pretty depressed. I want more than anything in this whole world to have a baby. So now I’m going to try to see if there is an angel that will help us bring ou bundle of joy into this world. Advice????