Boyfriend and Porn

Flavie • Never give up on what you want because it’s all we have.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months now and I knew at the beginning of our relationship that he watched porn and at the time we lived two hours away. But now we live together and he swore to me that he had stopped but when he was showing me his phone (which he gave me the password to) I saw some porn videos. Later that night I saw in his history that he had been on the sites the night before and earlier that week too. When I asked him if he had actually stopped he lied to my face and said he had since I moved in. I asked him to prove it by showing me his phone and he refused and said I should just trust him. It is the next day and I checked the history again and it hs now been deleted.

I am not sure what to do. Just to be clear I don’t mind him watching it, it is the lying about it that made me very sad and angry.