blood pressure


at my appointment yesterday my bp was 145/90, after almost an hour it went down to 132/90 & I was finally sent home, told to monitor it.. last night @ 9:30 it was 142/109, i went straight to L&D but had taken my nausea medicine about 30 minutes prior so it was at a good range while being monitored (they told me that can happen), tonight @ 9:30 it’s 143/109 (it was 133/105 pretty much all day today) i’ve felt terrible & had a pounding headache all day, i’ve been laying on my left side, but it just won’t go down. they checked my urine, there isn’t any protein, but ran labs so we are just waiting on those results.. they are talking about induction at 37 weeks if I keep having problems, i’m just at a loss, I don’t know what to do... has anyone else had this problem? I don’t think it’s Pre-e because I don’t have any protein in my urine