
I started birth control and was on it for like 4 months and it wreaked havoc on my body i wasn’t even having sex yet but i was trying to be responsible and manage pms symptoms. But it gave me terrible anxiety and a host of other issues. I have terrible GERD now and was just asking up feeling sick for months I’ve been off bc for a month now and i have chest pain and a constant lump in my throat I’m burping all the time and i feel miserable. I’m getting random cramps too but my periods have been regular and i took tests to be absolutely sure i wasn’t pregnant by some extremely slim and small chance and they’re negative (blood and urine) but my body has yet to return to normal. I get pains in my stomach and I’m trying get not to stress cause i know it makes it worse but i don’t know why my body is fighting me like this. I’m getting twitches all over my body and my stomach gets random stabbing needle pains. At this point i just feel like i could be dying or something i don’t know anymore but i wanna cry cause i just want to feel regular again