CD 9 follicle scan - too many follicles?


Hey everyone - I wondered if anyone can share their experience on Clomid/follicle scans

I had my first follicle scan on CD9 (they did it earlier than usual because I usually have very short cycles). They said I was responding VERY well (almost too well) to Clomid and had a lot of follicles that they could see (13 I believe) none were mature yet as too early, but there were 2/3 in the lead that most likely will be, with several others clearly visible and I’m just praying the others stop growing or have disappeared by the time I go back. I’ve been told not to have sex until my next scan on Friday due to risk of multiples, but my question is...

Could the reason we saw lots of follicles just be because it was in the early stages of my cycle? Isn’t it normal to have lots at the beginning? (I thought that’s when they can also do a count to see ovarian reserve).

Has anyone ever been for their first scan and panicked thinking they had to abandon that month but then on the next scan found that they only had 1/2 dominant follicles and that the others were no longer a problem, and could proceed?

Thank you