My toddler is giving me ppd

I just had my daughter 3 weeks ago and of course I expected my toddler to act out but not like this. He’s almost 2 so his behavior comes from both age and transition. He obnoxiously screams, shrieks, throws EVERYTHING in sights, hits mostly just me, throws stuff at the baby, doesn’t cuddle or do anything sweet anymore, and most of the day is just a complete melt down.

I literally dread when he wakes up in the morning, I hate being around him. It’s sad because he was my absolute best friend before, I was scared to have another because I didn’t think I could love someone nearly as much as my son. He was such a mamas boy and I enjoyed doing everything with him.

And yes I put special time aside for him, I go out of my way to make him feel special, I tore myself down in the beginning with how much i tried to include him and give him attention. Nothing works. I wake up everyday crying because I know the day will be a nightmare. I’m so depressed now that my partners back at work and I have to take care of him full time.