Bandaids on your nipples


I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and trying to wean my toddler, who just turned 2 in January. I definitely wasn’t planning on breastfeeding this long, all of my other children (pregnant with #5) I was able to wean successfully by 18 months. But my son has been particularly hard to wean. He still nurses before bed and naps and will try to nurse throughout the day, if I let him. It seems more of comfort nursing than anything, as sometimes he will latch on just for a second then come off. I try to keep them covered and started wearing t-shirts to bed but he will literally say “shirt off” and try to take my shirt off and throws a tantrum when I tell him we are not going to nurse.

So I heard sometimes putting bandaids over your nipples helps? I’m so done with nursing him. Any more suggestions on how to wean him?