Late ovulation? False blood test gender results?


Had an elective ultrasound today because my ultrasound wasn’t scheduled until April and I am inpatient lol. According to my last period I should be 8w2d. However, my period had been out of wack since having my daughter a year ago and the month prior to conception, my period was over 30 days late. This baby was a total surprise. I got my first positive test on February 19 and it was super positive. I assumed I was about 5 weeks at that point. Well at the ultrasound today, they estimated me to be 6w5d.. the heart rate was visible so that was good news. However, if I’m truly 6w5d that means I would have only been about 3 weeks at the time of testing. With my other kids the earliest I found out was 4.5 weeks. Anyone else get news similar to this?

Also, I tested about a week ago for the gender. The results showed that there was enough fetal dna to give a result and showed it was a girl. This test is 99.5% accurate at 7 weeks.. If I’m really this early, would those results be wrong as well?

Sorry for the long confusing post.. this is just so different from my experiences with my other two kids.