Rant 🥺😩

I’m 35 weeks pregnant.

We just got accepted and approved for our apartment last month. The apartment needed repairs the landlord was unaware of, so when I went to check it out I was stunned. Dirty dirty floors, busted holes in wall, broken glass, missing lights, A NEEDLE AND BENT BURNT SPOON along with a SYRINGE! Was in the kitchen cabinets as I was cleaning, I threw my hands up and contacted the landlord, he said he was unaware and was relying on the maintenance mans word that the apartment was cleaned and ready. With that being said, it set me back a week of moving. My SO works Monday-Friday from 2am-3am sometimes as late as 6pm depending on how far the crew has to travel...he has every weekend off. We also have a 12mo. I’m left to pack everything along. I asked him to rent a moving truck so we could take huge loads and be moved faster, he said no his car is just fine. We have a Subaru Forester. It’s barley an suv, it’s like a station wagon.

He only wants to go at nights to avoid people (he’s antisocial to the max) and I told him it’s ridiculous and we won’t get anywhere moving one load at night on the weekends. I’ve kept the car and taken him to work a few times, alone I have moved 3 loads. That’s probably like 20-25 boxes if even...I’m exhausted as is, taking care of the 1yo and trying to pack the house. I told him imma need to take him to work and keep the car because I can’t depend on hope that I’ll make it to 40 weeks. He won’t help me pack anything (says he is only packing his things and it’ll be fine less than a day) he believes he can fit out recliners and beds in or on the car too🤦🏽‍♀️

So I’m due April 15th and here we are nowhere really he isn’t letting me take him to work tonight

1 of 2 things will happen

1.) We aren’t going to be moved by the time I go into labor


2.) We will have everything moved and nothing unpacked...

I tried explaining to him, like hey, I have to have her crib ready, her bassinet set up, her clothes separated and ready, her little baby station, also our sons stuff.

Last weekend he pulled the “we can move stuff this weekend at night” we took one load and he said it was too late to do anything more! Then he drank and slept all day and didn’t feel like doing anything that next night.

I’d rent a truck if I had money, I’m a SAHM but if the stimulus hits soon enough bet I will! We have no family with trucks or even time to help either 🥺 I feel so stuck