Distraught and blindsided

Husband (soon to be ex) of 6 years told me he wants a divorce.

Before I get into all of this: I was confused because we’ve been so happy. At least I thought we were. I’ve been struggling trying to get pregnant due to fibroids. Well I was laying in bed and he was in the shower with the music on. His phone was ringing in his pant pocket and clearly he didn’t hear it because of the music. I grabbed it from out of the pocket because it was ringing nonstop. I opened it and it was a female’s name. I didn’t answer so when it hung up from me not answering, I went into the messages. He’s been cheating on me for 5 years and they have two children one 4 and the other just a few months old. The latest text she sent was, “I’ve been patient with you and playing my part all these years, now I’m growing tired! You need to hurry up and leave her because our children need their daddy home with us!”. I approached him on this and all he said was, “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY BUSINESS! I WANT A DIVORCE”. This whole thing hasn’t hit me yet. I just wanted to share my story. But I will be contacting my sister who is an attorney 😢