Third Baby October 2021


My first pregnancy I was induced at 38w+3D for high blood pressure & showing signs of preeclampsia. My second pregnancy in June 2020 I was 39w+5d when I had him but was Induced because I could wait any longer😂 but, during my pregnancy- I had to see MFM due to placenta previa & my placenta being too close to my cervix. High risk doctors said my placenta had “lakes” but nothing to be worried about & continue to be monitored from 24weeks-delivery. & have US every 4 weeks to check the growth of baby. Everything was fine & he was 8lbs6oz at birth. I did hemorrhage after delivery & again 2 weeks PP. I had a D&C in July 2020 to get retained placenta out. I’ve been told I’m high risk this pregnancy since I had so much with my son. What happens if your considered high risk the whole pregnancy?