IVF- Egg Retrieval Saturday.... Question?

Hello! I have been given the clear to Trigger tonight for my egg retrieval on Saturday!!!! Wahoo!!!! My question is....

Quick background- We struggle with MFI, so we will doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> w/ICSI. My AFC was around 23 at baseline. My AMH came back a bit low- 2.0. I am 29 years old so for my age I guess this is low- I tried to stay off Google when I started reading this wasn’t the end all be all, Vit D deficiency can affect it and what not.

I was on 425 follistim/75 Menopur for the first 5 days, then upped to 425 follistim/150 Menopur the last 3 days with Ganirelix.

Anyway- today at my appointment I had 10-15 follicles that were measuring anywhere between 18-21mm and then a few smaller ones. Is this good? I know AFC isn’t 100% by any means. I guess I am just freaking out about the attrition rate and maybe psyching myself out before retrieval.

Any advice would be appreciated!