Clomid Confusion


This is my first cycle on Clomid 50 mg. Have taken it from cd 3 to cd7 as recommended by RE. I ovulate on my own but due to advanced age I need more follicles and eggs matured to have better chance. Not known hormonal disturbances rather than higher TSH but taking medication to control it for the scope of maintaining pregnancy. Not officially diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have normal regular cycles ranging from 24 to 29 says. Lutheal phase 10 to 11 days mostly 11. So far nothing has been normal for this cycle. Had 5 day period as usual cd6 nothing but then random pink spotting cd7 and cd8. I have never spotted like this. Then my BBT is going crazy even though I take it correct. Had massive dip on CD5 my flo app confused it for ovulation initially saying ovulation detected. I do not ovulate earlier than cd 14. Started testing with OPK on cd 8 and no line detected at all and today is cd12. Usually by cd10 I have faint line which starts increasing in darkness. Still getting mild random hot flashes 11 pm. Is this normal? Did you ladies ovulate later on Clomid and have lesser LH level and surge? When was your ovulation while taking it? Is the erratic BBT caused by Clomid?