Another update!!!


Exactly one week ago I posted a pregnancy test which used the blue dye, this was a faint positive test. A few weeks before I had posted in here asking for advice because I had been feeling very sick and had been having the worst cramps. This morning, I had my fiancé get another pregnancy test with the pink dye, and I took that as soon as I woke up. The results are very positive!😄 I’m excited but also scared, I haven’t been feeling well at all, and last week I cut caffeine, alcohol, and (medical) marijuana out of my diet completely. Last thursday when I took the last test and thought that I might be pregnant, I stopped doing all of that basically cold turkey. I don’t want to put my baby in any danger😅 I was wondering if anyone has any advice for the cramps and the mood swings (and the vomiting in the mornings, does that go away?). Peeing frequently I can handle, but the other symptoms are iffy. I’m so new at this and will probably have other questions later on. Any and all advice about becoming a parent and going through pregnancy would be majorly appreciated!❤️