“You wanted kids”

First, let me state the obvious. I know having kids is exhausting. It’s a lot of work and it’s expected. But can I just ask? When did getting basic self care become a luxury?

I have a almost 5 year old and 2 month old so things are hectic. All I’ve wanted since my second daughter was born, was a bath. Maybe a 2 hour nap. I’ve brought this up to my husband multiple times, only to get the same response.

“You wanted kids”.

In his mind, having kids means you lose out on all self care until the baby is sleep trained. If I want a bath or shower, I have to do it once she’s asleep for the night (aka 2-4 hours). If I need to do basic human things, I have to choose between getting any sleep or doing anything for myself. No where in this, does my husband offer to take the kids. Just doesn’t happen.

Not to mention, it’s somehow a bad thing to request time away from your children simply to recharge for an hour or two. You automatically are labeled as a bad mom because you need a moment.

Sorry to vent. Just a very tired mom who needs a glass of wine. Maybe a nap ..