Weird cramping!!

Savannah • Mommy to miss Madelyn 🤍🌈🥜

Alright ladies. This is kind of TMI buuuut I just need to know what’s going on.

Soooo when me and hubs are getting it on, when I climax I have recently started feeling this pain like from my cervix! Like the exact moment I climax. I’m so confused because it’s new pain! And its pretty sharp pain but not STRONG pain, if that makes sense.

I am getting an IUD on the 24th and my OB is the one who is going to be inserting it, but here’s a little more info: I’m 20, and my OBGYN has NEVER examined me and he is OLD, like 65 ish. It would make me uncomfortable telling him this even though he has always been professional about my PCOS concerns.

I just wonder is this serious? 🤔 I’m cramping now after sex too. It’s just so weird!

Thoughts? Opinions?

P.s. I may change my OB depending on how uncomfortable I feel after getting my IUD.