Clomid Question


So.. this may be sort of long and a shot in the dark here..

But my fiancé and I have been trying to conceive for about 15 months.. we already had a baby back in 2018, and she’s 2.5 now. And got pregnant with her almost instantly as soon as I stopped the pill. I have Endometriosis, so I had some testing done to make sure my lady bits and system were still fully functional and what not. Some lab work ups, an HSG, which said all was normal.

Side info:

He was put on TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) about a year ago for low T, and other issues. So he does weekly shots.

This led us to have him get a semen analysis.. we were both doubtful since we had one together already and he has two others from other relationship. it came back that he had ZERO sperm at all in the sample so they couldn’t do the other part of the test the morphology. There was absolutely no sperm in it according to his results. This was obviously devastating.. but he saw his urologist and they said it could be from the TRT. So she decided to drop his Testosterone down to half and they started him on Clomid. But now he’s feeling the side effects of dropping the Testosterone along with the effects from clomid as well.

The reason for this long post is because I was wondering if any other couples have gone through this, and if the clomid ended as successful for your husband / spouse to bring their count back or replenish it. And how long it may have taken.? Thanks in advance ladies. 🖤