First miscarriage...

Star • Momma 2 on earth 💙💙 5 in heaven 👼🏻👼🏻 Trying for our 🌈

I found out I was pregnant on March 2nd and I really wanted this third baby for our family. I pictured everything that we could be as a family of three. On Saturday March 13th, I started spotting which later turned into full blown bleeding and I rushed to the hospital. I found out that my levels were actually dropping instead of doubling and there was nothing to see on ultrasound. I have never been through a pregnancy loss but I have never felt this heartbroken in my life. I’ve cried for two days straight and I keep telling my husband that I’m scared I’ll never feel normal again. I know that I am blessed to have my two boys at home with me but I never knew you could miss someone you’ve never met so much. I hate that this is a reality that so many women have lived through. When will this hurt less?

This is the only picture I’ll have to remember this precious baby by. You were already so loved and I really wanted you.