To use insurance or pay out of pocket

Hello everyone!

My insurance was able to cover 3 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a>/FET.

Husband and I are both 28 years old and have MFI.

My first round I did a <a href="">IVF</a> stim cycle with a fresh embryo transfer. We did not get our embryos tested and we’re able to freeze 3.

That transfer was not successful

I then did a FET the month after 4AA and get positive pregnancy test 4dpt - 5dpt and then they were stark negative

That transfer was also not successful

Now I have 1 more round left covered by insurance. I can either use it for another FET or pay out of pocket for my next two FET ($5k each) and use my last cycle for another egg retrieval (which we are going to do PGT testing) my insurance will not cover another egg retrieval if we have embryos on ice.

My husband want to use our insurance for the FET now (hopeful it will work) but I’m looking at the bigger picture and think we should pay out of pocket for the FET and maximize our insurance for the egg retrieval.

My husband said if we pay out of pocket he wants to wait until next year to save more money. I’m just so frustrated with this situation.

What is everyone’s thoughts?