I finally feel like I’m being listened to


Hi, after nearly 10 years of going to the doctors and complaining about painful heavy periods, cramps all the time (not just when I’m on my period and passing out and being sick from the pain), really painful sex, nausea and so many more symptoms I finally had a doctor who listened to me. The gyno thinks I have Endo and has put me on an injection to stop my periods with a tablet to take everyday (I think it’s Lupron and add-back, I forgot to ask at the appointment). If the injection doesn’t work then I will go for surgery.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that I’m not being paranoid or a hypochondriac. For years my regular gp basically told me that I was over reacting and the “all women get cramps” or to “just breath when you have sex” and try a different position.

Sorry for the long post, I’m not really sure what the point was, I just needed to get it off my chest and maybe get some advice. I haven’t really got anyone to talk too who has experienced it and I’m not sure how I feel at the moment.