HSG and semen sample

I have been trying for about a year but for the first 6 months I wasn’t ovulating properly or at all. Now I’m taking letrozole and metformin and have been ovulating for 5 months . The nurse just called and told if if I wasn’t successful this cycle they can offer me to do an HSG test and semen analysis.

I feel like I have no one to talk about this with. Of course I’ll tell my husband when he’s home from work but I’m emotional and I don’t know how he’ll take it. I know if I really want him to do it he will but I think he will be very reluctant and he seems to think that if we go for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> which I think would be the next step that we only need to try it one time. He has a lot of farming experience and thinks it should have the same success rate as AI but from why I’ve read <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> has anywhere from 5-20% success rate and may need to be tried a few times.

I’m glad that we have next steps to take because Im so emotional right now about how this has not been working so far but I worry that next steps mean he will not want to continue trying as hard as I want to. He said he worried about trying for years and years and seeing me get more and more upset but I don’t feel like we have given it our all yet snd I’m not ready to move on.

This process has been really hard for us because he works far away and scheduling enough sex per cycle is really difficult. I just don’t know what to do anymore and could really use some support.

Please don’t tell me things like “just don’t tell him you’re ovulating” or “just pounce” or things like that because it’s just not how things work for us.