Toddler kicked out of daycare

Our 3 year old has officially been kicked out of his daycare. They had a meeting with us about his behavior a few weeks ago stating they were concerned he had a sensory issue/autism and that he was very difficult to handle. We took what they said very seriously and made a doctors appt and started the process of having our son evaluated.

The last few weeks he’s been sent home multiple times for “bad days” and acting out repeatedly. I’ve had to leave work multiple times to go pick him up. They finally said that they feel like he can no longer attend their daycare and we should find somewhere else and I’m at a loss. They gave us a week notice.

We’ve done everything in our power to get him the help he needs and me and my husband both work full time so we obviously need child care. He’s being evaluated next week so we will get results if he has autism or some sort of sensory problem to cause his actions.

Has anyone else been through this? If he has some sort of disability or disorder can they really just kick him out for that? I’m hoping there’s programs available for him that can help us with childcare options because we do not have any other options other than me quitting my job at this point.