Too Much??

Sometimes when i think about Masturbating and I’m not horny at all, I just do it because I feel like it. Or I want to. I’m worried that I am addicted even though I don’t do it often. Yesterday was my first time actually really masturbating and first time orgasming during masturbating. Not gonna lie. It felt AMAZING!! Like nothing I’ve felt before. But like idk I’m worried that I could be addicted. It’s to awkward to talk about with my mom so yeah. I did it twice yesterday. I think I was just liking the feeling of it and it felt amazing. But I am one to over analyze things so idk I need some advice. But considering I really did it yesterday I am probably just excited that I can do it. Normally with things that I worry about I talk about it with my mom but like it’s to weird to talk about it with her. I was gonna do it yesterday in the bath again (That would be the third time?) I didn’t end up because my mom was getting in the bath instead. We sorta got mad at each other for a little because we both wanted to take a bath but I didn’t end up getting in the bath because I let her. I’m worried that I’m addicted because idk.