I want to know your sleep schedule for 3 month old

Jeremias’ mum • JCA 12/22/20 💙 🇵🇷🇯🇲🇪🇨

I’m a FTM & just wanted to know what your baby’s sleep schedule is like. My little boy is going to be 3 months old tomorrow and I think he has a good sleep routine. Usually he goes down between 9:30-10:30pm and he sleeps until he gets a little fussy around. 5:45/6am.. he gets his 4.5 oz feeding and he’s back down around 6:30iish wakes around 9am for his day! Will take 2 long naps during the day that range anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours each! He gets 4.5-5oz every 3 hours during his day time awake hours. How is your baby sleeping ladies?! Share with me their sleep schedules and their feedings as well.