
Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

Well, we had our first instance of real “big kid” vomiting. Our daughter puked up her breakfast yesterday around 9am. She threw up 3 times over the course of about 1-2 minutes. She was just playing on the couch and started puking. She was fine afterwards and didn’t have a fever. She did take a long nap, but that’s not super out of the ordinary for her. She also had 2 big poopy diapers that weren’t diarrhea but weren’t solid either. We thought we were in the clear since she didn’t puke again yesterday. However, we were in the car this afternoon and she puked while we were on the highway. She was fine all morning and played the rest of the day as if nothing was wrong. Could she just have eaten something that didn’t agree with her or does this sound like a stomach bug? We keep checking her temperature and she doesn’t have a fever and physically she looks and acts like everything is okay. She also didn’t puke after dinner last night, breakfast this morning, and is so far fine after tonight’s dinner. She’s drinking fluids like normal as well.