Shut.Up. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Ellen • 💍👧🏽👼🏼👼🏼🌈🤰🏻

Doesn’t matter if it’s your first kid, second, or fifth. People will still do the “just wait” thing. “Just wait until they’re here! You’ll get no sleep!” Well, I already have a 4 year old who climbs into my bed every night needing some type of contact and a husband who’s up before the sun making noise. So what is sleep? Me and the baby will have a coinciding schedule in his first few months since I’m up every couple hours anyway 😂

“Ready for the diapers?” Sorry, forgot this is my first kid. Oh wait, it’s NOT! 🙄

“Just wait until.. Get ready for the..”

Why is this a thing people do? Even when it is your first kid why not jam all the exciting things down their throats instead? 😂 “Just wait until their first smile!” Stuff like that. No need to repeat the same unexciting parts on a loop. And besides, not everyone’s newborn experience is exhausting or traumatizing. Believe it or not some people do have it easy🤷🏻‍♀️ Stop scaring new parents and stop annoying the experienced ones!