Can you be happy with "just" two children?

I just lost a baby not long ago. I'm absolutely heartbroken. I am so lucky to have two children though. It's silly, but I'm worried my children will be disappointed in the future. What if they don't get along very well or isn't very close and they wished they had another sibling they were close with? I am an only child so I don't know. I never wanted siblings, but I grew up in an abusive environment so I was just happy that no one else had to go through that.

On the other hand, when you have two, they will always have one parents full attention, I will always be able to hold both of them. Financially I guess we will be better off and will be able to give them more in life, like vacations and other luxuries. Hopefully even be able to pay for their first homes. But all of these reasons seems so silly and unimportant when I think of what could have been.

What I really want is just for someone who decided two children was perfect for them, to tell me it will be great for us too. That our children won't be missing out.