14dpo and losing hope..


Today I’ll be 14 dpo, my period is on its second day late according to Glow. Still no period symptoms... just a lot of unexplained pregnancy symptoms. I’m super nauseous over here at 630 am and have been for about 2 hours, can’t go back to sleep. I’m still testing negative. I’ve had no bleeding or spotting. I had wicked cramping on 9 dpo.. enough for a heating pad and none since except yesterday I had some more twinge cramping like I had previously the week following ovulation (8th or 9th) I’m trying not to get discouraged but I just can’t have any faith left at the moment. I’ve tested day and night since 9dpo. All negative. So...

Let’s see those 14+ pregnancy tests!








And up if that’s when you got your positives! I’d just like to know how long it’s taken you guys... like hoping I still have a chance here.. I’ve heard some don’t get that bfp until later on even. I know a girl who tested negative until she was 10+ weeks along but her blood tests said yes. (She had a healthy pregnancy) I know every woman is different.