I can’t be happy because I’m single

I’m 21, have my own house and car and live by myself. I have so much going for myself, and everything’s going great I haven’t experienced any financial issues since the pandemic and while I’m greatful and happy for life I just feel depressed because I’m single and don’t have anybody

I’ve never had a real boyfriend, never even had a guy take me on a real date before. Any relations with me and a guy is always like a fling or FWB type situation and it makes me sad. I feel like I have it all but the perfect relationship and since I don’t have that my life can’t really truly be happy.

I just feel lonely, and I want my life to be established. I want a solid relationship, stable housing and income. I already have the housing and income I just don’t have the relationship. It’s so hard and I actually find myself crying or feeling sad throughout the day.