Newborn and Covid


I know several people have posted things like this so if this upsets you keep on moving but honestly interested in what everyone’s thinking about this. My entire family will be vaccinated by the time baby is here. However on my husbands side everyone will be vaccinated except for his sister which is her decision that’s fine but we asked for her to please just wear a mask if she’s going to be around the baby and obviously wash hands a ton and all that. We thought this was a reasonable request but she flipped out saying how ridiculous it is she has to wear a mask etc etc. She is also wanting to stay with us and bring her untrained dog to stay as well.... this is just a few weeks after I’m giving birth keep in mind so this all just seems to be too much. How would you guys handle this? Obviously I want her to come so she can meet her niece but do I really want to deal with all the drama so soon after giving birth?