I am lost and crying rivers


So long story short ... I am very attached to my mum... like everytime when i visit her backhome i come home cry for a week coz i miss my mum dad so much and then life goes on...i get busy at work and all...my mum came to Canada to help me with the baby...she stayed with us for 5 months and helped alot ...my baby still wakes up every hour at night to feed so my mum took over everyday at 4 am so that i can sleep uninterrupted till 11am and also did household chores all day long ....so i had a very good time after the baby even with a difficult baby. And now the time has come when she is leaving and i am lost and crying rivers....feel like i am dying from inside ...she has to go and I understand that as my dad is back home and its not easy for him to be alone there as well. My husband is very supportive and he said he is there with me to support in all ways with the baby . But i am still crying,Does anyone suffers like me or i am just over emotional and how do you deal with it.