Losing my son at 16-17 weeks


I wanted to share my story somewhere to get it out there and to warn everyone that if you feel like something is wrong, always listen to your body...

A week after November 25th i got a positive test. After a few weeks i went in and my blood test was positive.. my whole pregnancy i was having a lot of discharge. And it eventually changed to a yellow color but because i had no pain itching or burning when i peed i assumed all was fine. I want to kick myself now every time i think about this... i should have gone to the doctor as soon as it changed color. Thursday the 11th of March, i had some dark brown discharge. I panicked, called the on call doctor and they said not to worry unless it was red. Sunday the 14th i woke up with some light pink in my discharge. Again, i panicked and called. She said, i can’t reassure you since i dont know what the cause is so if you cannot wait until you see your doctor, go ahead and go into the ER for an ultrasound. I did, and they ran blood tests, an ultrasound, and did a pelvic exam. They said my ultrasound was perfect and that baby was perfect and heartbeat was perfect.... the pelvic exam came out saying i had a UTI. I’ve never had a uti in my life.. but they prescribed me some antibiotics and said i’d be okay. Tuesday the 16th comes around, and i have some light, bleeding. I go into the er immediately and they tell me because everything in my ultrasound was perfect, they don’t think it was anything to worry about, but said i needed to be on bedrest for the next day or so, and if it didnt stop they’d be concerned about preterm labor. So i went home and stayed off my feet, even though with an 11 month old (turning 1 in 2 weeks) it was difficult, i tried my best.. That night i had some cramping until the morning, but a few hours after taking Tylenol it went away. And i was fine throughout the day with some mild cramping here and there, but nothing bad. Wednesday night the cramping was so intense i was screaming and crying in pain. Eventually i gave in and asked my sister in law to take me to the hospital. We got there around 3am. By 4 am they got me in an exam room to check what was going on and hearing the words the doctor said, broke my heart immediately... he said “you’re in labor” and all i could say the whole way back to the room was “no.. no no no” i was so upset and just completely unable to move i didnt even flinch when the nurse put my IV in... i slept as much as i could but by 7:30 am i was awake, and texted my boss to let them know i was in the hospital. I got up around 8:05 because i felt pressure to pee. As i stood up blood was rushing down my legs and i finally went to the restroom. As i sat there thinking about how i was about to lose my baby but hoping for the best, and then thinking of how i needed to clean the blood up to go back to the bed, i looked down and seen my baby, it has been the only image i cannot get out of my head. And as it happened those same words i had earlier had come out “no no no” soon a ton of nurses came rushing in and hugging me and trying to help me get baby out of the toilet and they checked if baby had a heart beat still, as when we arrived to the hospital they used a doppler and found baby’s heartbeat. They couldn’t find a heartbeat and declared his time of birth, and death 8:07 am. I’ve been crying the whole time writing this and it’s taken me multiple breaks to get it all out. But i felt like my story needed to be shared to raise awareness to always listen to your body if you think something is wrong. I miss my son, more than anything.. and would give anything to have him back. I feel for each and every one of you on here who has had to go through this, whether it was before 16 weeks or even after. I pray for you all and your angel babies.