Verbally abusive?


So last night I drank a little on an empty stomach (stupid, I know) My husband asked me last night if I took any shots (a little bit of a back story... my husband and I are in our twenties, I just turned 21) and I lied and said no because any time I want to drink, even a little bit, he gets all self righteous and acts a certain way towards me. Prior to us getting married he never had a problem with alcohol, so I don’t understand why he only gets upset when I want to drink. Well I threw up several times last night and today I felt guilty so I told him I lied about not taking shots (I took a couple shots like an hour after we ate btw). He said “well I don’t feel bad about you throwing up then it’s your own damn fault, I’m glad you did.. maybe you’ll stop drinking”. At first I didn’t think anything of it bc he has said things like that before to me. For reference, I’ve only ever gotten sick from drinking like two other times in my life and I don’t hardly ever drink anyways. But he can have a couple beers and everything’s fine. I could see why he’d be upset if we had kids (I would never drink then) but I literally just turned 21 and want to have fun sometimes. I don’t know how to feel about what he said to me. I told him that what he said really hurt and he just said “well I mean it’s your own fault”. Is this an okay way to talk to your s/o? Am I in the wrong? Any advice would be greatly appreciated 😞