Emotionally tired !! Sick of in-laws interference



All these days my father in law was quiet and not his usual rude self .. even if he said something I used to avoid it. But yesterday he just came back to his snake side and he is so mean I can’t tell you. His words strike straight into my heart and my mind is a mess. I was sitting on the carpet and trying to keep my back straight to bring baby in position .. I had been slouching on the sofa and I researched that sitting straight helps baby to move in right position. so he called from India and was talking to my hubby and he saw me and told me not to sit crossed legs not good for baby .. I immediately sat in a different position and was quiet. He was talking to my husband and continuously taunting me.. he kept telling now she has to think about the baby and not her comfort and now her comfort is least priority and she needs to know what not to do for safety of the baby !!

why he has to tell my husband all that ? I kept quiet and then I cdnt tolerate his nagging.. I told him I am not sitting for my comfort.. and I know what is safe and what is not.. as soon as I said that my husband started yelling at me to not talk back to his father and just listen what he says!! That man has given me lot of stress since I got married and my husband doesn’t care about what he says he’s just listens and wants me to do that but you all tell me when somebody attacks me like that and blames me to not care for my baby how can I keep quiet .. to avoid fight I kept quiet bcz my husband doesn’t support when it comes to his parents but seriously I am done with that person.. he is planning to come to Canada for my delivery.. I was ok Cz Anyways he is grandfather but his behaviour and his same stinky tongue scares me .. and that he will ruin my peace. I cdnt sleep at night and kept thinking about the matter whole day 😞 I can’t my steam out so it’s bothering me really

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Posted at
Im worried for you! That man definitely does not need to be around when you deliver. Childbirth and postpartum is a very sensitive time for the mother.


Mom • Mar 26, 2021
Yes I think the same .. he just stresses me out and keeps finding reasons to put me down on the other end he treats his daughter like a princess.. I had a rough childhood .. my dad didn’t care for us and mom left him after sometime so I thought my father inlaw will be like my father but unfortunately he was worse.. Atleast my father never said such mean things to me


Posted at
You don't have to put up with any of that. If your husband yels at you. Yell right back! You have a right to stand up for yourself. You deserve more than this


shantel • Mar 26, 2021
Thats abuse


Mom • Mar 26, 2021
I try doing that .. but I never yelled at anybody in my life .. only my mom and if I do that he loses his temper and becomes more crazy .. and all I do is cry .. So to avoid that I keep quiet 😞


Posted at
Ughhh this is my mother in law! She stayed with us for 9 long months. She came to the US a few months before I gave birth and we would fight a lot because of her ( my husband and I). She always wanted to give an unsollicited advice and whenever I didn’t follow it she would get upset and stop talking to me. She was supposed to come back in April 2020 but thanks to Covid she couldn’t make it. She gave me so much stress that I’ve decided to keep our relationship to a very minimum. I went to my country twice since she went back and whenever we had to go see my in laws with the kids, the only thing I said to her was “hi” and that’s what I decide to tell her. She made my life a living hell in my own house so I’m cutting her off


Mom • Mar 30, 2021
I don’t understand why they behave so badly with us .. when they have daughters and they want them to be like princesses but not their daughter in laws


Posted at
That was my mother in law but sadly i lived in her basement apartment! If i ever raised a voice or sounded upset shed come charging downstairs to see if i needed help! Like no woman get the FF outta my apartment! One day she over stepped and picked my child up from in front of me and said she wont hear loud talking at her granddaughter....i took my daughter back and didnt speak or see my mother in law for 6 months! And i didnt let her see my child either! You said hes in india and i know in different cultures they have a totally different belief with how to talk to their parents but thats bullshit! If my husband wver yelled at me for standing up for myself when his dad is blatantly disrespectful to you id tell him straight too! Im your wife not your friend speak to me like that again and im out the door


Mom • Mar 28, 2021
Yes that’s the reason my mind was messed up .. I will surely make myself heard the next time ..


Charlene • Mar 26, 2021
Well thats impossible. Theyll always be part of your life but ur husband needs to step up and defend u! Doesnt matter if he is taking care of you in everyway, he is obviously missing out on this aspect and its pretty big! Letting someone put you down especially as a mother is completely unacceptable!


Mom • Mar 26, 2021
I have tried explaining him .. And I am alone here .. where will I even go .. I love my husband he takes care of me in every way .. just one things terrible about him is he does not do justice when it comes to his parents .. I really want them to stay away from my life and be happy


Posted at
I'd push back.Really I talked to my doctor and they said it can help the pelvic floor etc. Ask for sources say you'd like to take the source to your doctor so he does hurt others with bad advise 😁 kill then with niceness and "curiousity"


Mom • Mar 27, 2021
That was something I thought too .. thank you