Husband left

T • 🖤 👦🏼 👦🏼 👧 🖤

I honestly can’t believe I’m making this post, never in a million years did I believe this would be me. My husband left me tonight, he said he’s been unhappy and he doesn’t think things can be fixed. We have 2 children and I’m 16 weeks pregnant, we TRIED for this baby. I asked him why he’d get me pregnant if he wasn’t happy and he said “I guess I did it for you”.

I made a million suggestions for things we can try, time alone, time apart, counselling, so so many more... and he’s just unwilling to try anything. I really can’t believe I’m writing this... I always bragged and boasted about how wonderful this man is and how secure I feel and after 10 years he’s up and gone.

I’m so devastated ladies, my heart feels like it’s broken into a million pieces 😞. Why would he put me in this position then leave me by myself to deal with it? Feels so unfair 😢

**Update*** Husband messaged me and he wants to go to counselling together. I agreed to go, but deep down I feel like my trust in him is so shattered I don’t know if it’s too little too late at this point. This man made me feel like his QUEEN and still left, I don’t know if I can trust that he won’t do it again eventually. He’s not cheating, I asked him straight up and he said no. He did say that he’s struggling with depression and his new job is awful. I don’t know if I believe him entirely but I do think depression is a factor, he’s lost a bunch of weight recently due to lack of appetite and seems uninterested in his normal hobbies. I guess we’ll see how counselling goes, but in the meantime he’s staying with his parents. This has been so incredibly difficult but I thank you beautiful ladies for your kind words, they really have given me strength.

***update 2**

It’s making a little more sense. I always knew there was a family history of depression, but I didn’t know how bad. Both his dad and his grandfather were depressed alcoholics that eventually turned abusive towards their families. My husband is terrified to his core that if he remains in the home and doesn’t seek treatment that he’ll follow the same path. He explained that he could never forgive himself if he took his anger too far and he can’t give that an opportunity to happen. It doesn’t hurt any less that he’s gone... but I at least feel like I have a much better understanding now. We both have upcoming individual counselling appointments, and marriage counselling will soon follow. Thanks for listening ♥️