I don’t know how to handle my husband anymore

We have three kids together and one more on the way. Been together 11 years, married 7. I’m currently six weeks pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy after our last two (twins) were born but he never followed up on getting his semen checked and didn’t tell me. I felt off last week but thought nothing of it because I knew he had a vasectomy and just figured he had gone back and had the necessary checks done. I mentioned to him in passing that if he didn’t have a vasectomy I would think I was pregnant because I’m having all the symptoms. He then said without skipping a beat, yeah I should really schedule that follow up to make sure everything is good to go. I froze and asked why he hadn’t done it already since his vasectomy was over a year ago. He said he hasn’t had “the time”. So I take a pregnancy test and it’s positive. I take a day to process the news myself and feel ok with it before I told him. When I told him he was initially fine. Said we would work it out, we’re fine financially and another kid is fine. Two days later he came home from work and his attitude had changed completely. He said the thought of having another child makes him depressed and he is never going to be happy again. He has no friends anymore (because he treats them all poorly) no projects to work on anymore (because I said he couldn’t spend $6000 on a truck he wanted to “fix up”) and this isn’t the life he wanted but he’s stuck in it now. He said his life is all about me and me having kids that I want and him getting nothing he wants. He’s been giving me the silent treatment like it’s my fault all of this has happened even though he didn’t take the precautions he should have. I’m not getting an abortion because although I’m pro choice, abortion just isn’t the right decision for me. I’ll raise this baby with or without him but his reaction has been awful. After he gave me the silent treatment all day yesterday he woke up again this morning in a terrible mood. Our oldest (who has autism) walked in the bathroom while he was in there to say good morning to him and he flipped out and screamed at him about privacy and then came out and yelled at me saying that everyone in this house has no rules put on them except for him, he then stormed out of the house and left in the car with no mention of where he was going. We’re sharing a car this weekend because mine is in the shop so he left in our only car which leaves me stuck. My family all live in the other side of the country because we recently moved so I’m all alone now.

About 15 minutes ago, I got a text from my friend in the neighborhood saying that my husband is parked up the street just sitting in his car and she asked me what he was doing. I am MORTIFIED. How do I explain what he’s doing to someone without telling them why he’s mad and that I’m pregnant?! I’m ready to leave, I just need to vent to someone to feel validated in this decision. Any comments would be much appreciated.