Sorta freaking out 😅

Hi mamas, we are 7m PP and my cycles are definitely beginning to restart. I’ve been taking ovulation tests daily to track, and received my first positive 3/23. (I didn’t test the day prior, so I have a feeling that’s when my peak happened) and I caught the tail end of my surge. Everything else lines up: CM changes (ewcm -> creamy cm), I felt super sick 3/20 (assuming I was gearing up for O) so I have a good feeling this was my first PP ovulation. ANYWAYS, hubs & I had sex Friday evening(3/19)🥴. Now I know that’s 4 days from sex to O (and we aren’t ready for baby 2) but I can’t help think about how they say you’re extremely fertile your first cycle PP so internally *~freaking out*~. I assume there’s a slim chance due to sperm survival in good vaginal habitats? 😅😩