8 month feeding frenzy


Help! My 8 month old girl (she's a big baby, 11lb2 at birth!) Is feeding like crazy.

Here's her schedule:

6.30 wake up

7.30 - porridge

9.30 - 6 Oz

10 - sleep

11.30 wake

12 - dinner (mashed veg usually)

2 - 6 Oz

3 - sleep

4.30 - awake

5 - tea - mashed veg, finger food

6 - bath

7 - 6 oz

7.15 - bed

9 - 6 Oz

2am - 5oz

5 am - 5 oz

Is this crazy amounts of milk? She's awake so much in the night but because she drinks so much I'm guessing she's actually hungry not just wanting comfort from the bottle.

Please help, I need sleep 🤣