God is heart healer


18 week today first time mama baby#1boy natural after 5 hard,heartbroken years of ttc with 2 miscarriages ,fibroids God did miracle on my Life .I pass a lot things unsucc without God by myself 2x

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

,I tried a lot things what I can I spend a lot money nothing!! I just give up for everything ,I stopped what I was doing and start praying

anyone like me stay with; God one

day is your day whatever you gonna though infertility, pcos, unexplained infertility whatever that is Not a matter for Almighty God I was be there I know the pain your family, friends, co workers keep asking you when you Gonna have baby? Please don't ask anyone like that.that is God job I will pray for you all gonna though this believe in Jesus Christ he is miracle maker👐👐 still I have pregnancy complication but nothing gonna happen🙏🙏 my due Agust 28

Love you all❤❤