I want to break up with my husband and im pregnant with our second baby...

this is not something you find answers to on google...this is real life!!

Looking back i realised how easy it was to break up with my boyfriend before he became my husband I just deleted his texts and we were over 3 weeks later he would come back saying how much he missed me...we are now 5 years married and we have been constantly fighting! He throws things in my face about our past, he mentions these regrets and mistakes and all the flaws and negative traits about "my character" and how "iv changed" i probably never would have accepted these words coming out of his mouth, I too play a part in my fair share of insults and hit back with snarky comments... but when i look at my son...his so happy, i mean we are happy when its going good its going real good! I guess thats how i ended up having a second baby due in septemeber I love this man and marriage is hard,im 24 years old his 28 years old,im not going to leave him, he doesn't want to leave me...we work full time jobs working from home have a great family dynamic however... i guess i feel exposed he has so much to pin on me. Knows absolutely everything about me from password's to salary to what makes me tick that it feels like he forgot who he really met, he forgot how it feels to lose me, he forgot how strong willed I am, he forgot how i wouldn't settle for anything less than my worth...he forgets that right now i could walk away and never look back...but im not about to do something i might regret to prove a point...

He calls me bluff 😩

Ladies I dont know what to do anymore...