How fast does mastitis start?


I was fine this morning but by early afternoon my right breast was sore underneath and up the side. I nursed her on that side to try to relieve what I assumed was additional milk that need to come out. By mid afternoon I started getting stomach aches that I thought might be related to my period coming. My husband and I went on a walk and when we got back I started getting achy. I tried to do a dangle feeding to see if that would help and the pain is still there. I started then getting chills and dizzy. I took my temperature and it was 100.7. At that point I decided to go to the urgent care where they gave me a prescription for antibiotics.

I just can’t believe that I went from completely fine this morning to feeling absolutely miserable tonight. How did it happen this quickly!? Has anybody else experience this? How soon do you start to feel better once you’re on antibiotics? What is your supply hurt at all? I plan to continue to nurse through this even though I know it’s gonna be miserable. I’m hoping doing that I’ll keep my supply up.

EDIT: took the antibiotic 2 hours ago. Temp is now 102.